Monthly Archives: March 2012

The Look: Alex reading the Hunger Games to get pumped for his interview

The Reaction: Joe is shocked!

Sauca: Friday March 23

We’ll admit it. We’ve been watching way too much How I Met Your Mother lately. So we’re going to start this write-up off with a quote from the venerable Barney Stinson: “Suit Up!”  Dressed in formal attire, ready for a job interview, we ventured back to Farragut North in hopes of finding a new food […]

The Meal: Beef Shawarma

The Meal: Mumbai butter chicken and sunlight!

Farragut: Yuppies out to play

The Truck: Sauca Find them on twitter:!/wheresauca

More Mumbai Butter Chicken

Villainous food trucks?

Who ever heard of such a thing?? Miami PD has, apparently Villainous food trucks?

The Meal: Turkey Sandwich